About us

Areas of Concern

  • Visibility – absence of written contract/letter of appointment which prevents domestic worker from having any record of employment
  • Lack of access to training/skills/personal development
  • Lack of recognition for domestic service reduces self-respect and personal dignity
  • Inability to access legal relief even where legislative coverage is available
  • Unregulated working( and living) conditions, with occupational safety including exposure to communicable disease being difficult to ensure
  • No legal stipulation on wages and benefits, leave, maternity leave, holidays.
  • Lack of protection/access to justice where abuse, harassment take place due to isolation within employer’s household


  • Baseline Survey (2007)

This was the first time information has been made available on the scope and size of this issue through a Baseline Survey of 569 domestic workers from 12 districts of Sri Lanka. This Survey was carried out in collaboration with Women’s Education & Research Centre [WERC]

  • Petition (2008)

A nationwide Petition with over 5000 Signatures of domestic workers from all over the country has been submitted to the Hon’ble Minister of Labour Relations and Manpower demanding suitable Employment Legislation.

  • Solidarity campaign with CNV Internationaal, Netherlands
  • 371 national and local TUs, NGOs and CBOs, professional and Housewives Associations and media representatives have been mobilized through a series of Awareness Building Workshops
  • A fully functional Help Desk and Helpline

Direct interventions with Police, Employers, etc. for employment related issues

  • Organising Domestic Workers into 14 Domestic Worker Associations. At present, current membership is around 4000 and the NWC has an ongoing outreach programme.
  • Celebrating World Day for Decent Work on the theme of “Protective Legislation for Domestic Workers”
  • Draft of a Domestic Workers Charter (Legislation for the Protection of Domestic Workers).

What is needed

  • A broad national platform to promote and push for protective legislation
  • An International solidarity campaign
  • Ratification of ILO Convention on domestic workers 189
  • Improve skills to enhance their employment opportunities
  • Unionized domestic workers with more TU engagement.

Help Stop Child Labour - Live Webinar, 3rd August 2021

DecentWork.net Web Platform Launch Event, 16th June 2021

Our Past Events